
AIB Changes 2009 Inspection Standards

AIB Changes 2009 Inspection Standards


AIB Changes 2009 Inspection Standards


The American Institute of Baking International (AIB) has made significant changes to its 2009 standards for inspection.  Schendel recently hosted a training seminar for our food grade clients with Al St. Cyr, AIB’s Head of Food Safety Education.  St. Cyr did a great job outlining AIB changes related to pest management programs, and I thought it would be helpful to summarize some of his comments here.  Since this is just a general overview, you should contact us directly if you have specific questions or concerns about the pest management program in your inspected facility.  


Facility Assessment

Critical Requirements:

   * Personnel conduct an annual assessment of the facility, evaluating all areas inside and outside.
   * Assessment Results and Corrective Actions are documented and used to develop and update the IPM Program.
   * Assessments are conducted by trained IPM personnel, either from the pest management provider or provided from within the facility


    Signed Contracts

    The following are added contract requirements:

       * Facility name
       * Facility contact person
       * Frequency of services
       * Description of contracted services and how they will be completed
       * Term of the contract
       * Equipment and material storage specifications, where applicable
       * Scope of emergency service calls
       * Service records to be maintained
       * Requirement to notify facility of any changes in service or materials used


      Credentials and Competencies

      Critical Requirements:

         * Applicators provide verification of GMP training.
         * The facility maintains a current copy of the pest management company license issued by the appropriate government body, if required.


        Exterior Rodent Monitoring Devices

        Critical Requirements:

            * All exterior monitoring devices are inspected at least monthly.  These devices are to be checked more often when activity levels increase.


          Interior Rodent Monitoring Devices

          Critical Requirements:

          Based on the detailed facility survey, interior monitoring devices are placed in sensitive areas specific to the rodent species, and other areas of pest activity, including:

             * Incoming materials warehouses or primary storage areas for raw materials
             * Maintenance areas with exterior access
             * Staging areas where materials are placed after delivery from the warehouse
             * Finished product warehouse areas
             * Areas with the potential for rodent access due to traffic patterns or activities that take place
             * Overhead areas when roof rat activity is evident or likely
             * High traffic areas
             * Both sides of doors that open to the exterior of the facility


            Pheromone Monitoring Devices

            Minor Requirement:

               * Facilities that handle materials prone to stored product infestations (e.g., grains, cereals, spices, or herbs) implement a comprehensive pheromone monitoring program.


              Critical Requirement:

                 * Pheromone monitoring devices are installed according to label requirements.
                 * Pheromone monitoring devices are inspected on a defined frequency.

                The facility documents the types and quantities of insects found during device inspections and uses the information to identify and eliminate the source of activity.

                AIB Changes 2009 Inspection Standards in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona

                Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona

                Wichita, KS | Lawrence, KS | Springfield, MO | Gilbert, AZ