All The Ways Schendel Fights Bed Bugs In Arizona
They may be small insects, but bed bugs are no small problem when they get into our homes. These are blood-eating bugs that feed on us while we sleep, and, over time, bites become more pronounced and a whole lot itchier. Some even become swollen and painful. This creates a sense of fear and anxiety, driving homeowners to take drastic measures to get rid of them. They throw out their beds. They throw out their couches. They spray with toxic chemicals. And the problem still doesn’t go away. Why? Because bed bugs are wired to avoid our attempts to get rid of them. That is how they have lived with us since the dawn of time without being completely eradicated.
What do bed bugs do to avoid being exterminated?
They make detection difficult by hiding in nooks, creases, pockets, and other hard-to-see places and only come out in force when carbon dioxide levels in rooms increase. If they sense a threat, such as chemicals put down to kill them, they can go into deeper hiding places and wait till the threat is gone. Bed bugs can live for months without a blood meal so they can outlast any attempt you make to kill them with chemicals. Worse still, they have the ability to become resistant to chemicals as they develop from immature nymphs into adult bed bugs.
K9 Services
At Schendel Pest Services, we understand how difficult it is to find bed bugs, that is why we employ K9 Bed Bug Inspectors. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and are able to quickly detect bed bugs in a room. This helps our pest control professionals locate areas of infestation before they treat, and ensure that there are no bugs left after they’re done treating.
We understand how difficult it is to get rid of bed bugs. That is why we follow the National Pest Management Association’s Best Management Practices for bed bugs. These practices choose green solutions first and EPA-approved chemicals only when necessary for effective elimination.
Heat Remediation
We understand that sometimes we’re going to have to treat chemically resistant bed bugs because other pest control treatments have been tried before we arrive. That’s no problem. The heat remediation treatments we apply to arrest bed bug infestation in homes and businesses stops “super” bed bugs too. It is a powerful, eco-friendly, fast, and efficient at eliminating bed bugs in all stages of development.
If you’re dealing with bed bugs in Arizona, let Schendel help. Schedule a free, no-obligation inspection right here. We’ll get rid of those bugs for you.
All The Ways Schendel Fights Bed Bugs In Arizona in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona
Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona