KS Pest Pros On National Bed Bug Awareness Week
As a part of the NPMA’s National Pest Management Month, April 22-26 has been designated National Bed Bug Awareness Week. It is the perfect time of the year, before the busy spring and summer season, to learn some great tips to control bed bugs and prevent an infestation in your Kansas home or business. Bed bugs have been around for many years and as they continue to spread through homes and businesses, interfering with our everyday life, it is important to educate yourself on ways to avoid bed bug encounters.
Where are bed bugs in Topeka and Kansas City?
The truth is, bed bugs can be just about anywhere humans are. Hotels used to get the brunt of media attention on bed bugs but now our KS exterminators are finding infestations of bed bugs in libraries, movie theaters, dorm rooms, office buildings, and right in many people’s homes. While they are not capable of spreading disease or causing physical harm to you, your family or your home, they sure are a major nuisance pest that can cause significant emotional turmoil! In fact many property owners are embarrassed about bed bugs and may not seek the help they need to get rid of bed bugs. It is important to note however these pests are not a sign of a dirty home or facility; wherever people congregate is where you are likely to find these parasitic insects. Bed bugs are hard to control because they tend to hide in areas that humans cannot see and thus have the ability to spread and multiply before you even know that you have a major bed bug infestation.
How can I prevent bed bugs?
It is hard to fully prevent bed bugs due to the fact that bed bugs and their eggs simply need to latch onto or stick to a piece of clothing or a bag to make it into your home or business. But the good news is that you can take action to avoid a bed bug problem in your own home or business. Here are some tips from our team of Topeka bed bug exterminators:
After traveling, make sure to put all clothing in the dryer, even if not worn. This will kill live bed bugs and their eggs.
Inspect luggage and even backpacks for any signs of bed bugs – click here to learn the signs of bed bugs.
Before taking a seat on an airplane, bus, taxi, or other mode of public transportation, check your seat and the nearby area for any signs of bed bugs.
If traveling, keep clothing sealed in large plastic bags inside your suitcase for added bed bug protection.
For business owners and managers, it is important to educate your staff. Early detection not only allows for quicker treatment it may lower your remediation costs and control the problem before your customers find out.
If you suspect that your home or business in Topeka, Kansas City or elsewhere in Kansas or our pest control service area have bed bugs, please contact Schendel Pest Services right away! Our team of bed bug control pros are ready to help you find and get rid of bed bugs with trained bed bug dogs and bed bug heat treatments. They may be great at hiding but rest assured, bed bugs will not make it past our line of bed bug defense.
In honor of National Bug Bug Awareness Week, make sure to share this information with your friends and family and stay alert for bed bugs when out and about! Remember, it is not just on vacation that you can run into bed bugs. Give us a call today for more information on bed bug control in Kansas.
KS Pest Pros On National Bed Bug Awareness Week in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona
Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona