
Pest Zoning For Dummies

Pest Zoning For Dummies


In a city, zoning is a way of making sure things get built where it is appropriate to have them built. If you want large businesses to clump all their tall buildings in one space so that employees can hop between them and get their business done more efficiently, you need to zone an area for commercial structures. If you want sprawling suburbs on the outskirts of your city, you need to zone those areas residential. Zoning is how you determine where something should be, and where other things should not be. You don’t want a paper mill next door to an elementary school, do you? Of course not! You use zoning to put everything in its place.

Is there such a thing as pest zoning? Well, not to the extent of control city zoning has, but you can certainly designate which areas will be a pest-free zone. If you’ve been noticing flies, spiders, beetles, wasps, cockroaches, ants or other pests invading your kitchen area, it may be time to set up some zoning.

You can’t treat bugs like you would businesses or residents. You’ll have to use a form of zoning that feels natural for them. Sort of like a desert does not need to be zoned to keep out fishing ports. A fishing port contractor would take one look at that desert and say, “There is no way we can build a port here.” If you want bugs to take a look at your kitchen and say, “There is no way we can’t live here,” you need to get rid of the two things pests are looking for.

All pests need food to live. If you provide food sources, you will have pests living in your home. Here are the ways you can make your kitchen a no food zone.

  • Clean spills up immediately. Don’t let things stay stuck to the counter.

  • Don’t leave pans with food sitting in them. Put remnants of food in the trash, and pour grease into a can. Storing grease in a sealable can is also a good idea to keep from clogging your drains.

  • Don’t leave fruit sitting out.

  • Clean up crumbs around the toaster.

  • Don’t leave sugar, flour, cornmeal, or other sprinkled food items on any surface.

  • Keep your trash sealed shut.

  • Don’t leave dirty dishes sitting next to the sink with food on them.

Pests also need water to live. If you give them a watering hole to wet their whistle, they’ll be happy to stick around.

  • Fix leaky faucets and leaky pipes.

  • Don’t leave liquid in cups.

  • Don’t leave juice in pans.

Some pests may use your house to harbor in. This will have them crawling all over, even if there is no food or liquid to be found.

  • Use a caulking gun to fill in gaps and holes in your exterior walls.

  • Check all your screens for holes and get those holes fixed.

  • Inspect your weather stripping and door sweeps to make sure they are in good working order.

If you remove food and water and prevent pests from harboring in your home, you may be able to make your home and your kitchen a pest-free zone. But sometimes, depending on the home, it is necessary to get a professional pest control company to help. They can remove pests from inside your walls, install natural deterrents, and apply chemical barriers where your home is most vulnerable.

Make your home a pest-free zone. Living without bugs is way more fun than living with them.

If it is too late and you are already dealing with pest problems, contact Schendel Pest Services today.  

Pest Zoning For Dummies in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona

Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona

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