The Most Common Pests To Invade Your Home This Winter
It’s quite nice to have different seasons to look forward to, and as we move into each one we have plenty to work towards. The changing seasons are part of the beauty in Kansas, but with these changes, everything is different, including the pests. Unfortunately for us, that is something we cannot change. Something you can change however is what you do about them.
There are a lot of pests, but some of the more common pests you may encounter this season are mice, rats, spiders and bed bugs. Each one brings their own set of problems, and each one requires its own unique form of eradication. Let’s take a closer look at each one.
Mice And Rats
Mice and rats chew through walls, insulation, wires, pipes, stored decorations and just about anything else they can get their teeth on. These rodents have to keep their teeth short as they are always growing and while they do, they create massive amounts of damage. As chewed up wires, wood chips, and insulation mix can create fire hazards. They may also chew through pipes and cause potential water damage, leave behind feces and urine that spreads disease, and introduce other pest infestations like fleas and ticks.
Here in Kansas, we see a lot of spiders. Though most do not pose much more than an aesthetic problem, unfortunately, a few of them are considered dangerous. Spiders like the brown recluse and the black widow can cause irreversible damage if they bite. Though bites are rare, and generally only when provoked, both spiders can cause extensive damage to a human. Generally, the real problem with spiders are the webs they build. Walking through a fresh web at 2 a.m. on your way to the bathroom, or while searching the basement for that cold weather gear, is of no preference for anyone.
Bed Bugs
One of the most common pests this season, and one that has recently exploded throughout the world are bed bugs. Bed bug infestations are on the rise due to increased travel and are a real frustration to deal with. Bed bugs not only bite, they bite a lot, and itching, red bumps are often the first sign they leave behind. They can also leave behind repulsive smells, feces, blood droppings, and shed casings, creating a huge mess in their wake. Bed bugs are not necessarily attracted to filth, they are however attracted to humans. Bed bugs can be contracted from just about anywhere, be sure to take special caution when using public transit or commonly used beds and rooms like in hotels.
One thing all of these pests have in common, they can be prevented. Though some are harder to keep out than others, there are definitely some preventative measures you can take to help prevent all of them. Here are a few:
Seal up any cracks, crevices, and holes in your home, focusing especially on openings at ground level
Always seal and caulk openings that you find around windows and doors
Keep windows and doors shut when possible
Always make sure to clean thoroughly including under and behind appliances, inside of drawers, in between mattresses and box springs
Always clean up spilled food and drink quickly and thoroughly
Dust all corners of the house, including the ceiling
Keep clutter and mess to a minimum, as all pests find it a great place to hide
The truth is, if it is not mice, spiders, and bed bugs, it’s squirrels, cockroaches, and stinging insects. Different season, different pests! The good news is, you can be prepared for all of them. Having a year-round control plan through a professional pest service reassures you that from season to season, no unnecessary guests will show up. Schendel Pest Services offers 365 days of pest service that includes the PestZero Guarantee. Our guarantee promises that if any covered pests show up in between visits, we will come out at no additional charge to you! On top of that, Schendel focuses on both the interior and exterior of your home, removing stinging insect nests, and remaining on the lookout while getting rid of pests for ways to improve the pest defenses around your home. Schendel offers free quotes as well and if that’s not enough, we have an on-staff entomologist ready to answer any pest questions you have.
Don’t let pests get you down this season, or any season, and free up your time to do the things you love, not sweep webs, set mouse traps, and clean up bed bug messes! Call Schendel Pest Services and let the professionals worry about the “little” stuff!
The Most Common Pests To Invade Your Home This Winter in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona
Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona