What A Year-Round Pest Control Program Looks Like
It’s not uncommon for homeowners to completely underestimate how dangerous and destructive pests can actually be. Oftentimes, other things are placed at a higher importance than taking care of and preventing pest problems. You might find yourself asking, “how big of a risk do these tiny pests really pose to me, my family, or my home?” Unfortunately, that question is commonly answered incorrectly. Carpenter ants and termites can cause significant structural damage to your home, while mosquitoes and cockroaches are carriers of a variety of diseases that can be spread to your family. And these are just a few of the many, many pests that can cause problems for homeowners. By investing in pest prevention, homeowners could save themselves a lot of stress, time, and money!
What does a year-round pest control program look like? How can this investment really benefit me? These are a couple of questions you might be asking, and we’re here to answer them! Schendel Pest Services offers 365 days of protection guaranteed for select areas in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Arkansas. Our Premium Care program includes an intensive interior and exterior service along with follow-up visits that occur quarterly. Additionally, if pest treatments are needed in between services, one of our highly-trained technicians will come to perform those treatments at no extra cost! Premium Care protects your home in what we call the Seven Pest Guard Steps. Each of these steps target a specific pest and area of your home. For example, in step one, a bait is applied among the rocks and plants around the perimeter of your home to control ants, crickets, and ground beetles. Other pests that you’ll be protected from include: spiders, flies, stinging insects, wasps, silverfish, roaches, firebrats, rodents and other occasional invaders.
There are many benefits of having complete protection against all of these pests. Do you ever feel paranoid that you might have an infestation when you see a few ants crawling along or hear a weird noise coming from behind your walls at night? Those worries will be taken away along with the stress that comes when you actually do have an infestation! You can trust that Schendel Pest Services will use only the most current, effective, and safe products as opposed to having to rely on harmful and unsafe DIY products. Another bonus: year-round protection eliminates any risk of damage to your home, saving you a lot of money in the long-run! Overall, the benefits of our year-round program speak for themselves! Why not put pest prevention at the top of your priority list? Give us a call us at Schendel Pest Services today to learn more!
What A Year-Round Pest Control Program Looks Like in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona
Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona