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Cigarette Beetles


Cigarette beetles are a type of stored product pest that are considered to be a nuisance pest. They are active year-round as long as their environment stays above 65 degrees. Females lay their eggs in pantry items and when the eggs hatch the larvae eat, pupate and develop into an adult. Adults grow to be about 1/10th of an inch in length and are a light yellowish-brown color. Their body is an oval shape and appear to be humpbacked because their head is bent down at an angle and is almost invisible from above. The larvae of the cigarette beetle are slightly smaller than the adult, worm-like and are a creamy white color.

cigarette beetle on a cracker in kansas city kitchen


The cigarette beetle’s name may suggest that they only infest dried tobacco, but in fact they will infest a wide range of products that include: cereal, pasta, dried spices, leather, dried flowers, pet food, and book bindings. Cigarette beetles are often introduced into a home accidentally in products purchased from stores that are already infested. It is also common for adults to come in through gaps around windows and doors as they search for food.


Because cigarette beetles infest food that is stored within your home, trying to control them on your own can be very dangerous. DIY pest control chemicals are very dangerous to use; especially in kitchen and pantry areas and are mostly ineffective. The safest way to control a cigarette beetle infestation is with the help of a trained professional.


At Schendel we understand how important time is when dealing with a pest invasion; which is why we are committed to helping our customer most often the same day or at the very latest the next day. Contact us today, and see how quickly we help.


Yes, our treatment methods are safe for use around people, pets, and plants. Our technicians use the smallest amount of material possible to solve your pest problem whether that is using natural products, baits, or conventional products.

Schendel follows very strict guidelines, and all of our conventional products are EPA registered, further ensuring the safety of their use.


All of our pest services are priced standardly. Pricing may be dependent on the size of your home and number of treatments that are required to solve your specific pest problem. We are able to provide our customers with FREE quotes, and our technicians are dedicated to making sure that you are aware of any changes to the price of your service before treatment begins.

We take pride in communicating openly and honestly with our customers ensuring that there are no surprises during the billing process.


We provide our customers with our Pest-Zero Guarantee, this means that we guarantee your home will stay pest free for one year. Our technicians will provide you with an initial interior and exterior service and quarterly follow-up visits to ensure pest are controlled around your property and in your home. If for any reason a pest treatment is needed between visits we will provide that treatment at no additional charge.


The best way to prevent and control problems with cigarette beetles and other pests is to implement a year-round pest control services from Schendel Pest. In addition to year-round pest control there are some steps that you can take around your home to help deter cigarette beetles from invading it.

Thoroughly inspect dry goods at the store before purchasing them to be sure that there are no holes or tears in the packaging.

It is also helpful to store dry goods in your pantry in plastic or glass containers with locking lids instead of in their original packaging.

Make sure to rotate your dry goods, eliminating old or expired food from your panty.

Caulk gaps around windows and doors and install door sweeps to help stop cigarette beetles from accidentally making their way into your home.

Cigarette Beetles

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