Another Virus For Kansas Ticks
If we didn’t already have enough reason to avoid ticks, now we have something else to worry about. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Friday the discovery of a new virus that killed an eastern Kansas man in late spring of 2014. It is not yet fully known how the man contracted this new virus, but reports of ticks on his body, along with an understanding of how similar viruses work, lead them to strongly believe ticks are responsible. The virus is being called the Bourbon virus, named after the county it was found in. So, if you live in Bourbon county, be extra careful.
Scientists are currently studying this case to determine if there is cause for greater concern. Like other viruses, there is no vaccine or drug that can prevent or treat the Bourbon virus. The most doctors can do is treat the symptoms. For now, CDC suggests that residents of Kansas take more precaution against getting tick bites.
What are the symptoms?
Since there is only one case of this virus in the world, the CDC can only provide the symptoms this man experienced: fever, tiredness, rash, headache, body aches, nausea, and vomiting. If you experience any of these symptoms after being exposed to a tick, seek medical attention immediately.
How can you protect yourself from this and other tickborne viruses and diseases?
Ticks do not fall from trees or jump from branches. The only way a tick is going to get on you is by clinging to you as you pass by. Here are a few ways you can prevent this.
Wear pants.
Spray repellent on your pant legs.
Wear bright colors so you can see the ticks as they crawl up to find your skin.
Be especially careful when walking in tall grass.
Check your skin when you return from being outside.
Have your yard treated for ticks.
Let’s be honest, your chances of getting the Bourbon virus are probably low, but ticks carry Lyme disease and a bunch of other nasty stuff. Protect yourself and your family from being bitten by ticks and you’ll have even less to worry about. For more information on the Bourbon virus, visit this web page from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Another Virus For Kansas Ticks in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona
Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona