Top 10 Places Bed Bugs Like to Hide
# 8. Wall voids. Anytime those bed bugs feel threatened, they simply scurry behind your walls to hide and wait for the all-clear. They can actually go up to a year without eating, so they can surely wait out any danger that may present itself.
# 7. Picture frames. Bed bugs will sneak into the joints, cracks, and crevices along picture frames hanging on the wall to avoid detection. They are very skittish and will tuck away at the first sign of an intruder.
# 6. Your car. Or a taxi or a bus – they aren’t picky on their means of transportation. They will hide out in the carpet, upholstery, even inside the radio if need be.
# 5. Your pocketbook. Or computer bag, or luggage – these are perfect hiding places that allow free access to inexpensive travel for bed bugs.
# 4. Playpens. Babies are not exempt from the menu when it comes to bed bugs. They will infest and hide in pack n’ plays, bassinets, cribs, and toys – anywhere they can find to take refuge is fine with these pests.
# 3. Computers. They may not be as roomy as your bed, but they will work nicely as a bed bug hiding place.
# 2. Electrical Outlets. That’s right! Bed bugs will scurry behind those electrical sockets and stay hidden and safe. If you notice black streaks running from your outlets, it’s a sure sign bed bugs are there.
# 1. Video Game Console. And it doesn’t have to be an XBox One. While you are sitting down planning your next move on Assassin’s Creed or Call of Duty, there may be a spy lurking in your system.
No matter where bed bugs decide to hide, when you discover that they have moved into your Midwest home give Schendel Pest Solutions a call. We have been successfully evicting bed bugs from the sneakiest hiding places since 1947. We have K-9 bed bug sniffing dogs whose noses can accurately detect bed bugs in all stages of development – including eggs. We also offer heat treatments and traditional product methods of eradication.
Calling “all-e-all-e-in-come-free” will never end your game of hide n’ seek with bed bugs, but one call to Schendel will bring them to a screeching halt.
Top 10 Places Bed Bugs Like to Hide in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona
Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona