
What Are the Most Common Pests in Warehouses?

Top-down view of pest management for common pests in warehouses

Why are pest problems in warehouses so common? And why do some pests seem to be more common in warehouses than others? There are a few simple reasons. For one, warehouses are typically large and have numerous corners, cracks, drains, and other crevices where pests can hide, feed, and breed. And with deliveries coming in all day, there are usually open doors that pests can easily slip inside. Finally, pests can stow away inside shipments, so you may sometimes get more than you bargained for when your deliveries arrive. With all of these possibilities, it’s easy to see why pest infestations happen in warehouses so often, but which types of pests should you be most concerned about?

From roaches to wildlife, let’s review some of the most common pests in warehouses and the problems they can cause.


Roach infestations tend to be stubborn because they don’t need many resources to survive. They are also known for sneaking into boxes and shipping crates and emerging once they’ve arrived in a new location, ready to start a new infestation.

Cockroaches in Warehouses Risk Factors:

  • Cockroaches are vectors for many types of bacteria including E. coli and Salmonella
  • They leave pungent odors and stains on floors, walls, and equipment
  • Cockroaches may live and thrive in wood and paper materials like cardboard boxes
  • Cockroaches may also live and nest in dark cracks and crevices, which means that large populations can develop before they are noticed


It doesn’t take much for a rodent to squeeze into your warehouse – mice only need a crack the size of a dime, and rats a quarter. Once inside, rodents can quickly cause a lot of damage and create unsanitary conditions. The good news is you can help prevent your next rodent infestation with our professional rodent exclusion services.

Rodents in Warehouses Risk Factors:

  • Rodents reproduce rapidly, establishing large infestations over a short period
  • Rodents can carry diseases and leave behind unhygienic nesting materials that contaminate products and equipment
  • Droppings and urine also threaten the safety and health of workers, visitors, and customers
  • Rodents are prone to gnawing, which can damage electrical systems, packaging, products, equipment, and structures


Flies aren’t just irritating. They’re extremely unsanitary, too, and depending on what you have in your warehouse, they could cause significant problems for your inventory. Our professional fly control services allow you to interrupt the life cycle.

Flies in Warehouses Risk Factors:

  • Flies can get inside your warehouse through open doors, windows, cracks, and other openings
  • They can carry pathogens that can cause disease and spread foodborne illnesses
  • Tiny fly larvae can develop and thrive in warehouse floor drains, as well as in trash and recycling bins, making them difficult to eliminate
  • Flies are an especially big risk during warm seasons


For a frightened or confused animal, your warehouse looks like the perfect shelter to spend a cold night. The problem is that once inside, they might want to leave the comfort and safety your space provides, and they can cause a host of issues from contamination to property damage to risk of physical injury.

Wildlife in Warehouses Risk Factors:

  • Trapped animals can damage structures and property
  • Wild animals can be aggressive when they feel threatened
  • In addition to disturbing workers and visitors, wildlife droppings are often unsafe to be around

Pest Management Services for Warehouses

Pest management in warehouses can be tricky because there are many entrances and hiding places. It’s easy for an infestation to take hold before it’s even noticed. And that doesn’t even begin to address the compliance and regulatory standards many warehouses must pass.

Schendel Pest Services has extensive experience and expertise in locating and removing warehouse pests of all types. We provide effective, specific, and fast warehouse pest management solutions designed for your needs. 

Call us today to get a free estimate, and take pests out of your inventory.

What Are the Most Common Pests in Warehouses in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona?

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