Characterized by their notable white and black colored fur, the cat-sized skunk is a commonly misunderstood mammal. These animals are notorious in Kansas City for their primary defense mechanism: a noxious spray from their anal glands. Because of this, it is understandable that you would not want to have them camping out in your yard.
Skunks are nocturnal, so you might rarely cross paths if there is one hanging around. They will also keep insects and vermin at bay. Problems still occur, however, regardless of the benefits they may bring along.
Contrary to what some may believe, skunks do not use their stinky spray unless they feel threatened. With their mild-mannered demeanor, it takes a lot to provoke them into defending themselves. That does not mean leaving them to their own devices in your yard is desirable, though.
The main thing to worry about with skunks is disease. They often carry rabies, and watching for signs if you encounter one is vital. Another problem is that the horrendous sulfuric rotten egg smell that can linger for weeks after a skunk has to defend itself. Read on to find out and also learn more about Kansas City skunk removal.
Why are there skunks on my property?
Skunks will take any opportunity they can get to make themselves at home on your property. Things like garbage or pet food that was left out overnight will first entice them to your yard. They can find shelter in places like elevated sheds or wood and rock piles – both ideal locations for a den.
If there is a skunk in your yard, there will be some telltale signs. Skunks are omnivores and tend to dig small, cone-shaped holes in the ground looking for grubs. Your garden is fair game too, especially if there is a lot of vegetation or low-hanging fruit.
Skunks can travel up to two miles searching for water and food, so seeing one is not always a good indicator that a skunk is living within your yard or under your deck. Neither is the smell, which travels far and is mostly a rare occurrence. However, they love to make dens underneath sheds or decks, so there is always a possibility.
How can I prevent skunks from living on in my yard?
Skunks will likely leave an area where they cannot live or eat, with gentle encouragement or of their own volition. Prevention is always easier than getting rid of them, though. Luckily, there are several ways to discourage skunks from settling on your property.
Skunk Prevention Tips
- Skunks hate the smell of mild repellents like castor oil, kitty litter, or capsaicin. Other options, such as more potent ‘hot sauce’ products or predator urine, are not only for the most part unnecessary but can be inhumane.
- Eliminate the opportunity for them to settle down. Block off points of access to enticing areas and remove food sources, so they have to go somewhere else.
- Sometimes, you can simply inconvenience the skunk enough for it to leave. Messing up the skunk’s den or keeping a light near the site may be enough. Just make sure the skunk is not around when you do this.
How can Schendel Pest Services get rid of skunks in my yard?
It is always best to go about getting rid of a skunk humanely. You can attempt to lure it out of your yard, but you must turn to other measures in the instance of a rabid skunk. Our service specializes in removing various wildlife, and you may want us to handle the situation, even if the skunk is not rabid.
Kansas City skunk removal services not only work to remove skunks from your yard, but we find the source and address it. By working with you in prevention and removal, you know that your yard will be free of unwanted visitors. Call us or fill out the contact form on this page to get started!
What Attracts Skunks to My Yard in Kansas City in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona?
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