Keep Stink Bugs Out This Holiday Season
We have finally come to Holiday Season 2015! You can almost feel the excitement and energy this season creates. There seems to be a song on the wind as you walk through downtown, window shopping for your Christmas list ideas. Your neighbor down the street was the first on the block to string his Christmas lights and brighten your road with hues of red, yellow, green, and blue. Over the past several days, one by one, the Christmas trees have emerged up and down the street; and the shops have begun their holiday decorating in the hopes of drawing you into their particular store for that one item you just have to have. As you look forward to the busy hustle and bustle of Christmas and all the work that it entails, you have just a brief moment to sigh and catch your breath after the hard work of the fall harvest. Or do you?
Here it is the end of November and you think that the battle against pests should be over. After all, pests aren’t out and about during the winter months – that’s a summer and fall battle! Right? Wrong! All those pests that you were fighting off in September and October have found someplace to call home and settle down to pass the cold winter days; and, unfortunately, some of those pests may have found their way inside the depths of your house. I know, I know, you thought you were safe from these pests because you haven’t noticed any the past few weeks. You thought surely they had moved on and found someone else to pester, but, lo and behold, here they are!
They’re emerging from around your lights and ceiling fans. They are scurrying from beneath your baseboards and from around your window and door trim. You even noticed these strange bugs crawling out from beneath your exhaust fan! What on earth are these odd looking little creatures, anyway? These insects are only about an inch or under in size and are brown and tan with copper or blue ‘bumps’ on their heads. They have a strange ‘shield’ type shape and fill your nostrils with a rotten cucumber smell when you step on them.
Stink Bugs! That is what this strange creature is! It is no wonder that you may not have recognized them right away; they have only been in the United States since 1998. They are native to areas of China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan and were accidentally introduced to Pennsylvania and have spread like wildfire ever since. They are mostly an agricultural nemesis feeding on fruit, veggies, and other farm crops; but they can also cause allergic reactions including conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and dermatitis.
The problem is, if you see one stink bug, you can rest assured that there are hundreds more right behind him that haven’t emerged yet. They tend to ‘flock’ together for the winter. How quaint! And it seems they have chosen your home for their getaway. They are incredibly difficult to eradicate on your own; most people find it necessary to enlist the services of a professional pest control company like Shendel Pest Services.
Why Schendel, you may ask? Well, here at Schendel we have been the most trusted go-to pest control company in the Midwest with more than 12,000 homes since 1947 that have experienced the Schendel difference. We have built this reputation step by step with a strong work ethic based on honesty and integrity. Our technicians are highly trained and use the latest and most effective pest control products and techniques to safely and effectively remove those pests from your environment. Experience the difference Schendel can make in your life – call us today!
Keep Stink Bugs Out This Holiday Season in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona
Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona